1. Approve BUSD Spend > Hire Farmers > Farmers Mint BUSD > Compound Daily > Withdraw > Profit!
2. Choose how much BUSD you want to spend and click “Approve Spend”.
3. “Hire Farmers” using BUSD.
4. Your Farmers will start farming, placing the BUSD they find into your account.
5. You can compound your earnings using the “Hire More Farmers” button. This uses the BUSD in your account to increase your BUSD farming production rate.
6. Alternatively, you can withdraw the BUSD in your account using the “Pocket Your BUSD” button and your Farmers will begin filling your account again.
7. Farmers will continue filling your account with BUSD non-stop for up to 24 hours. After 24 hours your account will become full and potentially begin overflowing until you’ve used the BUSD in your account by either hiring more Farmers or pocketing it. You can hire more Farmers or pocket your BUSD at any time but it’s recommended to do so at least once every 24 hours.